Call for Papers

Dear authors:

Greetings from the Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders! We invite you to submit your current scientific manuscripts to the "Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders" (CACD) which is an international, peer-reviewed and open-access online journal which publishes three issues a year (April, August and December).

Paper Submission

The manuscripts are expected to be submitted through our Paper Submission System, All submitted manuscripts should be original work (will be checked via and approximately 7,000 words. For more details on the submission process, please check our website.
The deadline for the forthcoming volume (Vol. 4, No. 2) which will be published at the end of August, is July 15th of 2019.

About Open Access

- Full access to all the published articles
- Widest dissemination of your published work and greater visibility, and reference
- Free downloads of the published articles
- Rapid Publication

No Publication Charges

CACD, which is fully supported by the Korean Association of Speech-Language Pathologists (K-SLP) has no publication charges at all.

Incentive Program

CACD provides an incentive of $250 if the author includes video clips of the treatments or laboratory procedures associated with the research in the paper.

Suggested Content Areas

●  Speech Disorders
     a. Voice Disorders
     b. Articulatory Disorders
     c. Fluency Disorders
●  Language Disorders
     a. Neurogenic Disorders
     b. Developmental Disorders
●  Hearing Sciences and Disorders
     a. Hearing impairments
     b. Balance
     c. Central Auditory Processing
     d. Psychoacoustics
●  Swallowing Disorders
●  Communication Variations
     a. Augmentative and Alternative Communication
     b. Dialectal/Bilingual/Multi-cultural Differences

Your contribution will certainly increase the reputation and quality of our journal. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to your positive response.

Best Regards,

Professor Emeritus (Hallym University) Samuel Do-Heung Ko

Editorial Office
#210-1, 102 SK-Hub BULD, 461 Samil-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03147, Korea
TEL: +82-70-5123-5282   FAX: +82-70-4001-5282   E-mail:
Copyright © The Korean Association of Speech-Language Pathologists.