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Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders > Volume 1(1); 2016 > Article
Ko: From the Editor
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the premier issue of Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders (CACD). For the last several months, our team has been working tirelessly towards the goal of launching this journal. I had the opportunity to personally meet with several members of the editorial board while attending the ASHA conference in Philadelphia last November. There, we were able to discuss our goals for our journal, and our vision for what this journal can become.
With this journal, we aim to be an international channel for both knowledge and clinical research pertaining to communication disorders. We strive for high standards of quality and research in the articles that will be published in our journal. Our purpose is to advance evidence-based practice through the dissemination of the results of new studies.
As part of this vision, we are committed to allowing unrestricted access to the peer reviewed research that will be published in our journal. Through this open access policy, our objective is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practice in the field of communication disorders. It is our goal that CACD becomes a reliable source of information for both researchers and practitioners.
Beginning in 2017, there will be three issues published online. In addition to providing free, easy, worldwide access to our journal, the use of the online platform allows us to take advantage of new and state-of-the-art technology in research article publication. To this end, in future issues we plan to have direct links from the published articles to videos, relevant articles and related research. We plan to add mobile functionality as well, making accessing CACD on multiple devices convenient and easy. Through this, our goal is to be an innovative and interactive journal that is both instructive and engaging.
Finally, I would personally like to express my deep gratitude to the Korean Association of Speech-Language Pathologists (K-SLP) for fully funding and supporting our journal. This support allows us to focus our efforts on producing the best possible journal; thereby facilitating our goal of promoting best practice in our field worldwide.
With that, I invite you to enjoy the debut issue of CACD. I also invite you to participate in future issues of our journal. Information on submitting articles and research for publication is available via our homepage. It is my sincere hope that the passion and dedication our team has put into this journal is exhibited in the pages you read.
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